Donation to earthquake victims in Turkey

This is an open invitation, a humanitarian call for action.

Not one, not two, but 10 provinces have been badly hit during the EQ on the 6th Feb 2023. The most severely affected of them all, Hatay, is wiped off the map. We are not sharing the heart-breaking images. Seeing a father who has come out of a wreck, still holding the hand of his deceased daughter, crashed under concrete will be forever carved in our nation’s psyche.

Please donate!

Credit card payments: You can make a donation to AHBAP by clicking here. You can choose to pay in your own currency but if you choose to pay in Turkish Lira please remember; 500 TL is equivalent to £22,5, $26,6 and €24,8, only.


What is AHBAP?

AhbapAHBAP is the most trusted and active, voluntary help organization of Turkey. Since the early hours of the EQ they have coordinated a wide network of people from across the country to rally for help in the region. This is a link to their official website.


Bank Transfer: Please find below the bank account details to make a bank transfer to one of AHBAP’s currency accounts (GBP, USD and EURO).

Bank Name: Is Bankasi


Reference: You can write ‘Baytu Realty’ in the reference section or leave it blank.

GBP Sterling Account
IBAN: TR370006400000210212260849
USD Account
Sort Code: 1021
Account No: 2150262
IBAN: TR320006400000210212150262
EUR Account
Sort Code: 1021
Account No: 2150277
IBAN: TR150006400000210212150277
Turkish Lira Account
Sort Code: 1021
Account No: 1380059
IBAN: TR120006400000110211380059


These account numbers are of ‘AHBAP Association’ and are NOT associated with Baytu Realty in any way. You can also click here to be directed to AHBAP’s payment page if you have any concerns about these account details or the link not being genuine.


JustGivingIf you prefer to donate through an organization you are more familiar with you can do so donating through JustGiving by clicking here.


We need your help!

As of 8th Feb 2023, 4pm local time, over 8000 people have already been reported dead with ‘thousands’ of buildings yet unattended. The severity of the situation is hard to comprehend. For humanity’s sake, please help and support these people in whatever shape or form you can.


Thank you for your donation

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